This book, published by Simonne Celestine, is a treasure trove of simple, natural healing recipes, from treating a fever to tackling hearing loss. If you are wanting to take charge of your health, you can't go past all the answers in this little compendium. Over the next few weeks I will be sharing some of these insights, for you to have and make use of. The ingredients are all readily available and affordable.Should you wish to have them all within the book I have published, it is available on Blurb and Amazon at a very reasonable price.
For Age Spots: Use Aloe Vera gel, straight from the plant to fade age spots on your hands and face. Dab a cotton tip into lemon juice and put onto the age spots at least twice a day. It takes a month or two to see results. Rubbing a piece of sliced red onion on age spots can have the same fading effect, since it has the same peeling acid as fresh lemon juice.